Severe weather preparedness: Tornado Safety

Today's focus for Severe Weather Preparedness Week is tornadoes, one of the most well known and violent types of severe weather.

Just like severe thunderstorms and flooding, tornadoes come with important watches and warnings that everyone should recognize. A tornado watch is issued when conditions are favorable for tornadoes to form. These typically last for several hours. When a tornado watch is issued in your area, it’s time to start thinking of your emergency plan and make sure you have a reliable way to receive warnings.
A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been spotted or indicated by radar. When a tornado warning is issued, it’s time to take shelter immediately and get to your designated safe spot. Depending on the circumstance, the location of your tornado safety spot will vary.

A basement, underground tornado shelter, or reinforced safe room are ideal locations to take shelter in the event of a tornado. If there are no underground options, the acronym ‘DUCK’ is a great way to remember the general rules of thumb for finding shelter and ‘ducking’ for cover.
- Downstairs - lowest level of permanent structure
- Under something sturdy - stable furniture or stairwellÂ
- Center of home - interior room or hallway
- Keep away from windowsÂ
Unsafe areas include large open rooms, and mobile homes, as they tend to crumble first in the violent winds of a tornado. Automobiles are also less safe, as they can easily get tossed around and even carried hundreds of yards. If you are trapped outside in the event of a tornado, your best chance at survival is in a low lying area such as a clear ditch or culvert.
In addition to where you take shelter, it’s also important to have a few items on hand. Sports helmets or other protective barriers such as pillows or a mattress can also be life saving, by providing an additional layer of protection from flying debris. Closed toe shoes and an air horn or whistle are also recommended. These items can make it easier to climb out of a damaged structure or be rescued if necessary.