Fees for Inmate phone calls could be limited by bill

A proposed Missouri bill by State Senator Rusty Black would limit the rate inmates pay to make phone calls.
SB50 states that correctional centers should provide offenders with reasonable access to phone services unless such access is restricted as a disciplinary measure.
Additionally, no correctional center would be able to charge more than 12 cents per minute for any domestic phone calls made by inmates.
“It depends on your average daily population as to what you can cap that at,” said Captain Joe Lysaght, a correctional administrator with the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office. “For our facility, it will cap those phone calls at $0.09 per minute.”
According to Buchanan County officials, these changes to the phone call fee could come as soon as April.
This proposed bill is in favor for many who have loved ones inside correctional centers, however, Lysaght said in contrast, it comes with drawbacks for the operation of jail facilities.
“This is certainly more favorable to the families because it does cost their families less money,” Lysaght said. “The problem you run into is, it costs money to operate facilities too and that will take money away from operations. So, there's two sides to this story.”
This will impact prices for daily things used inside the facility including, hygiene products, mattresses, blankets, towels and other necessities. Officials say they will have to try and obtain these items other sources if the facility becomes financially strained.
As of Feb. 3, SB50 has been voted “Do Pass” by local government and election committees for further consideration.