Human trafficking a growing concern in Missouri

By Jenna Wilson
Missouri has become one of the leading states for human trafficking and law enforcement agencies are looking for ways to combat the issue.
Data from the U.S. Department of State revealed that Missouri has the fourth-highest human trafficking rate in the country.
The Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office confirmed trafficking is also a growing concern locally and officers are continuing to find ways to deter it.
“Kansas City has one of the largest trafficking hubs in the United States so that tells us very clearly that we have issues coming through our community,” said Buchanan County Sheriff Bill Puett. “We’ve been able to obtain people in our interdiction under a grant who look specifically for human trafficking and our deputies have been trained to look for trafficking signs, as well as all the other enforcement issues and traffic stops, all those things that gradually put them in contact with individuals involved with trafficking.”
Research from the U.S. Department of State shows there are an estimated 27.6 million trafficking victims worldwide.
The average age of a human trafficking victim ranges from about 12 to 14 years old. Law enforcement officers say that’s because traffickers see children as an easier target and will often go as far as using police as a threat against them to get what they want.
“Kids are very easily manipulated and very easily scared,” Puett said. “So, when they’re being told from a predator that this or that could happen to them if law enforcement gets involved, that instills a level of fear in them and they might not speak up about a serious crime that’s happening.”
Officers warn that there are several different ways traffickers prey on children or teens, including a form called the “Romeo” style, which is when a predator insists on being the picture-perfect partner.
With a growing concern for drug abuse, police are also warning that this form of trafficking has become common as well.
“Sometimes, folks end up getting into a bad place and then all of a sudden they’re trafficked to pay for issues relating to their addiction,” Puett said.
Every tip law enforcement receives about trafficking is significant and if a person spots any suspicious behavior, it should be reported to the Buchanan County Sheriff or police department immediately.