Your letters for Nov. 1, 2024

By NewsPress Now
Your letters for Nov. 1, 2024
The editorial endorsement of Josh Hawley should come as no surprise, since you are a 3-timer for Trump, but why? Let’s look at some of his votes in the last four years:
Federal minimum wage raise: No
Women’s Health Protection Act: No
United States Innovation and Competition Act: No
Domestic Terrorism and Prevention Act: No
American Rescue Plan: No (How many Republicans benefited?)
Small Business Covid Relief Act: No (See above?)
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: No (He takes fossil fuel money)
America Competes Act: No
Women’s Health Protection Act (again in 2022): No
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act: No
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022: No
Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023: No
Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act: No
Remember that some of Hawley’s backers are Americans for Prosperity (billionaire Koch Brothers), the Heritage Foundation (picked Trump’s judges and U.S. Attorneys) and of course, the NRA (give everyone a gun and shoot it out). You ended your article quoting a song lyric and I’ll do the same. I truly believe that Hawley sees himself in the White House, so in the words of the late, great John Prine from the song “Dear Abby” — “You are what you are, and you ain’t what you ain’t.” That is Josh Hawley.
Franklin Poores Jr.
St. Joseph
As a U.S. citizen and independent voter that used to vote for whatever candidate I thought was best, not caring what party they belong to, I’m embarrassed that someone like Donald Trump is even considered a candidate for president. A 78-year-old man running for president a third time on nothing but fear, hate, division and lies.
As president he made a lot of promises but couldn’t deliver (just two of many):
Promised to cut the deficit but added $8 trillion to it
Promised a new healthcare plan; it never existed
Does not care about facts and data. Will ramble on about crazy stuff like the illegal immigrants are eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio, when in reality city officials there says there’s no evidence of this and they are legal.
Someone that denied and then tried to overthrow a free & fair election resulting in Jan. 6. That’s about as un-American, unpatriotic as you could ever get. To see how a real man, a real leader, takes a loss, shows class, integrity and a love for our country, look up John McCain’s 2008 concession speech on YouTube.
A total embarrassment to our country.
Fred Voltmer
Country Club, Missouri
Consider the
ramifications carefully
Independent cell division begins immediately following conception. It will continue until it culminates in fully-formed human child. It is a natural process which can only be ended by artificial means.
Some will argue that it is “my body, my choice.” It seems to me that the “choice” is the decision to engage in unprotected activity resulting in conception. A bad choice should never be followed by an additional “bad choice.”
If I we notice an obviously intoxicated woman preparing to drive a car, do we intervene or do we say “her body, her choice?” What about a young woman endangering her life with illegal drugs? Again, do we intervene or go with the above argument?
In deciding to terminate a pregnancy, the person essentially assumes the role of judge, jury, and executioner. That is a heavy responsibility.
I condemn no one for their choice. I recognize the emotional strain involved. I only suggest that the decision should not be made by those standing to profit from the decision. Consider the ramifications very carefully, and follow your heart.
Mike Hanrahan
Cameron, Missouri