It’s Your Call for March 7

How quick they forget
In regards to Trump withholding a military aid to Ukraine, it’s funny how quick Democrats forget that Biden withheld the aid and financial assistance to Israel, our ally in the Middle East, up until recently.
Interesting to see
It would be interesting to know how anyone could still vote for a Democratic senator or representative after their Tuesday night despicable showing.
Can make a lot of people happy that way
Yeah, Trump said he didn’t know what they did to make people happy, but he can make a lot of people and the Democrats happy by resigning and taking Musk with him.
Just as dangerous
I agree with the new rule that you can’t drive and talk on the phone at the same time because it is dangerous. My question is, how can people have a big dog sitting in their lap or crawling all over them and they can still drive? I think a dog would be just as high risk, or cat, whatever, than the phone too.