It’s Your Call for March 4

The wrong question
The News-Press Ping Poll question, more opportunities for young athletes in St. Joseph, is the wrong question. The question is, do two high schools create more opportunities, period, not just for athletes, and the answer is yes. There are many more opportunities with two high schools.
Which would you rather have?
Which would you rather have, a president that sends billions of dollars and never tries to end a horrible war, or a president that tries to end the killing and stop sending billions of taxpayers’ dollars just to keep it going?
Negotiation 1010
Negotiations Class 101: You cannot negotiate with someone you call evil, even if you know they are.
He’s no good
Trump proved that he was a traitor on Jan. 6, 2021. Now he’s showing it again by the way he’s treating our allies and taking up with Putin. The man is no good.
What stared all this
Don’t I remember back in the ‘80s, when Reagan and Gorbachev broke up the old Soviet Union, wasn’t one of the deals back then that NATO could not take one step closer to the USSR? And yet now Zelenskyy got Biden to try to get him into NATO. Ain’t that what started all this?