It’s Your Call for Feb. 19

Just thinking about it
Well, I saw in the morning paper that the school district thinks they’re going to bull their way through without a bond proposal. To put two high schools in. If they do that, there’s two things that may happen. One, all the school board members will be voted out. And two, they will never, ever get another school bond passed. Just thinking about it.
Stop playing around with buildings
So now the big idea is to get rid of the only high school in the South end and turn it into a middle school. I think we need to remove the people in the offices at the school district. And give people that are interested in educating our children and not playing around with buildings. Walls don’t educate teachers do.
At least we don’t have to worry about that
We used to worry about someone like Trump having the nuclear button. At least now we don’t have to worry about that, since he’s laid off everyone in charge of our nukes.
Right to control our own lives
Republicans will bend over backwards to do whatever convicted felon Donald Trump wants while doing nothing to improve the lives of the American people. Every man, woman and child should have the right to control their own life and not to be told how to live it by Dictator Trump or Republicans. Every man, woman and child should have a right to their privacy and family and live it the way they choose.