It’s Your Call for Feb. 18

Should’ve been one at a time
I was just commenting on the resurfacing of the three city high school tracks. I’m all for favoring of resurfacing them, however, I just wasn’t sure how come they started them all at the same time. Many of us retired people actually walk at those tracks all year long. I just wish they would have done one at a time. I would have gladly went to Lafayette Central or Benton, whichever one wasn’t done.
We deserve a better Congress
A majority of Congress seem unconcerned as their power and responsibilities are usurped by President Donald Trump and Elon Musk, a billionaire private citizen. By their inaction, Congress is forfeiting the power to decide what laws to obey and how the federal budget will be spent or not spent. We deserve a Congress who knows their rights and will fight to preserve them.
Props to Bernie Sanders
I’d like to give credit to Bernie Sanders for stepping up and trying to put a stop to this more or less political coup, and Trump and Musk. It’s too bad like from Missouri, Hawley and Schmidt and Sam Graves don’t get on board with this because they’re no better than those two I mentioned for sticking in there with him. It’s a sad day for American democracy.
Throw him out
Senator Al Green from Texas ought to be immediately thrown out of the Senate. He has decided that he is going to go against the will of the people and the vote and try to impeach Trump when he hasn’t even been in office for two months, not even one month. This is ridiculous. Get rid of him now.
Already being felt here
For the caller who doesn’t understand why there’s so much resistance to the cutting of jobs, agencies and aid that has already been approved for the fiscal year at the federal government, this should be done with a scalpel, not a wrecking ball. This isn’t just happening to people working in D.C. If you think there won’t be consequences all the way down to Missouri and to St. Joe, all you need to do is read the newspaper to see that they already they are already being felt right here.