Amendment 2 isn’t worth the bet
By NewsPress Now
It would be easier to support Amendment 2 if the gambling industry just said that Missourians deserve to join 38 other states that trust their citizens to place a wager on Sunday’s game.
That would be a true statement. Amendment 2, if it passes in Tuesday’s general election, would legalize sports betting after years of failed attempts in the gridlocked legislature.
But supporters of Amendment 2 have to play the classroom card, almost like a form of school-washing to make sports gambling more palatable. Just like casino gambling measures of the 1990s, Missourians are bombarded with advertisements that promise a windfall for schools and teachers.
Those with a long memory know how that worked out. Three decades later, Missouri schools are still chronically underfunded and teacher salaries languish at the bottom of national rankings. Part of the problem is that gambling revenue is spread so thin: about 521 school districts get a share. Then there’s the legislature’s tendency to use gambling funds to replace rather than supplement the state’s general revenue directed to public education.
Would sports betting be any different? There are still 521 school districts as of 2023. The fiscal note puts the amendment’s maximum revenue potential at around $29 million, which amounts to less than 1% of the state budget for K through 12 education. Even if revenue increased to $38 million, one estimate suggests that the annual raise for teachers would be $436 when this alleged windfall is divided among 88,669 classroom teachers. It’s even less if administrators are included.
Under Amendment 2’s language, colleges and universities also get their share. But these schools won’t see anything until the state uses revenue from sports gambling to fund the state Compulsive Gambling Prevention fund and reimburse the Missouri Gaming Commission for the cost of regulating this new industry. Schools are third in line.
Here’s the really outrageous thing about Amendment 2: The fiscal note also says that annual revenue could be zero. You heard that right. The amendment allows companies like DraftKings and FanDuel to deduct the cost of promotions and free play from their tax on sports betting.
The amendment also sets the state tax at 10% of all revenue from sports wagering, compared to the 21% tax on table games and slots at Missouri casinos. If you believe that sports betting will generate $100 million in five years (an ambitious claim), you have to accept that the gambling industry pockets an extra $10 million with a sweetheart deal on taxes.
It’s a shame because Missourians want and deserve sports gambling legislation that benefits the public interest. What they get under Amendment 2 is a measure written for the benefit of the gambling industry – with a little spare change in the cushions for teachers.
Voters should reject Amendment 2.
Other ballot issues:
Amendment 3: This measure would remove the state’s current ban on abortion and legalize the procedure up until fetal viability, which is roughly 20 weeks into a pregnancy.
Our position: Yes. Missouri’s current law is too punitive toward doctors and is vague on what constitutes a medical emergency, making it less likely that a woman could obtain an abortion even if her life was in danger. Critics say this ballot measure goes too far and could allow abortion up until birth, but the language in Amendment 3 clearly states that the state could still regulate the procedure after viability. There is no middle ground on this issue, but Missourians should jettison the current law, which doesn’t even have a provision for rape and incest, and trust the state to enact reasonable regulation and oversight after viability.
Amendment 5: This measure would allow one additional gambling boat license for a casino on the Osage River.
Our position: Yes. Approval would increase the number of licensed gambling boats to 14 and open casino gaming to a part of the state where it is currently not available. This expansion is reasonable and manageable.
Amendment 6: This measure would authorize court fees that would generate revenue for retired sheriffs and county prosecutors.
Our position: No. Amendment 6 would give law enforcement a license to increase traffic enforcement to boost the pension fund for retirees. The example of Ferguson, Missouri, should serve as a reminder of why enforcement should not be viewed as a revenue source, especially when the money doesn’t go to the day-to-day administration of law enforcement.
Amendment 7: This measure asks voters to block the ranked-choice voting system, limit voting to U.S. citizens and require paper ballots in elections.
Our position: Yes. If you’ve got a half hour, someone could explain the mechanics and benefits of ranked-choice voting, but it’s no substitute for the simple beauty of the current winner-take-all system. The provision on citizenship is unnecessary ballot candy, but that doesn’t make ranked-choice any less of a bad idea.
Proposition A: This measure would raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Our position: No. If you’re in favor of inflation and jobs being replaced with self-serve kiosks, then this is the proposition for you. Otherwise, vote no.