Severn, Danford appointed to Missouri Western board

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. (News-Press NOW) -- Two local men are joining the Missouri Western State University Board of Governors.
Bill Severn, of Country Club and Thaddus “Dan” Danford of Kansas City, were appointed to the board by Gov. Mike Kehoe.
Severn is an executive vice president for the News-Press and Gazette Company, where he has worked for nearly 15 years. He holds a Bachelor of Science in park resource management from Kansas State University.
Danford is the founder and board chairman of Family Investment Center, an SEC-registered investment advisory firm, and has previously served on the Board of Governors at Missouri Western. He has served as president of the Missouri Western State University Alumni Association and holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration and marketing and a Master of Business Administration from Missouri Western. Danford also has a Master of Science in personal finance from Kansas State University.