City officials and property staff, updates on recent building collapse

Property management with Jasack Property and a St. Joseph, Missouri -Official have updates about the recent building collapse at 10th and Patee streets.
Juston Carr, Property Maintenance Manager with the City of St. Joseph, said the future of the building does not look promising as too much damage has taken place.
“What I’ve seen now is deterioration of structural components of a floor joist and a foundation on a load bearing wall,” Carr said. “A lot of those components are typically hidden where you can’t see them on a standard inspection.”
According to Jasack Property Manager — Barbara Malott, both housing inspections for tenants on housing assistance and a regular inspection took place last year and they passed.
Moving forward, Malott stated that she will provide specific refunds to her tenants, as well as help with rehousing and storage unit cost.
Due to the extensive building damage, Malott explained that a demolition will take place this February.
“We are contracting with Magic Demolition,” Malott said. “We have 10 days to get everything we want off the property, so what we are doing is salvaging new windows.”
Carr expressed that a structural engineer is coming to assess the building damage by ‘end of week’ on the week of Wednesday, Jan. 29.