Community Missions cold weather shelter open for those in need

By Charles Christian
As winter temperatures drop to dangerous levels, Community Missions Corporation is offering shelter to those who don’t have a warm place to sleep.
The Community Missions cold weather shelter called “My Brother’s House,” located at 700 Olive St. in St. Joseph, is open to men and women in need of overnight shelter during cold weather. Doors open at 6 p.m. each evening, and the shelter must be vacated at 7 a.m. the next morning.
Care Coordinator Trenisha Thomas said that the men’s side has two men who oversee the area, and the women’s side is overseen by two women, all of whom help get people signed in and ready for the evening.
“People are able to come in and take a shower, get a meal, fresh clothes and a clean bed,” Thomas said.
Wake-up time is at 6 a.m. each morning, and people are given coffee and food before they leave. Thomas noted that all these items, including food, hygiene items for men and women, as well as extra items that homeless people may need, are donated by individuals, stores and restaurants in the community.
“All we ask is that people treat each other respectfully. We allow no drugs, alcohol or weapons on site. We want people to be safe and warm during their time here,” Thomas said.
No prior appointment is needed. Those needing shelter can line up around 6 p.m. to get signed in. The goal, according to Thomas, is that no one gets turned away.
The shelter will now be open each night during the winter months. Along with My Brother’s House, Community Missions also runs Haven House and Juda House, two long-term housing locations, which are on the same property.
For more information, visit or call (816) 390-8884. Rachael Bittiker is the executive director of Community Missions.
We’ll have a more in-depth story on the community’s cold weather resources over the weekend.