SJSD officials break down two high school model

Since the introduction of the St. Joseph School District's long-range plan, a two-high school model has been the district's vision, regardless of the passing of Proposition Two.
If the proposition is passed, the district will move forward with building two new high schools.
If the proposition is voted down, the district will close one high school, redraw boundaries, reconfigure middle schools and right-size elementary schools.
The plan is to utilize Benton High School as a middle school, whether Proposition Two is approved or not.
"People are imagining, well, if there's no new school, it's going to keep it open as a high school," said LaTonya Williams, SJSD Board of Education president.
The district cites capacities and the chance to give the Southside a new high school as the reason to restructure Benton to a middle school.
As stated in the long-range plan, Central High School has a capacity of 1,732 students, Benton has a capacity of 884 students and Lafayette has a capacity of 1,300.
With Benton having the smaller capacity and being a staple of "Southside Pride", the district plans on continuing to utilize its campus and name but ultimately wants south St. Joseph to know what could be on the table.
"We wanted to give that part of town the quickest and best opportunity at the new school, " said Mike Moore, SJSD Board of Education vice president.
The new high school would feature upgraded facilities for different sports programs, such as football, baseball, softball, track, tennis and more.
It would also have practice fields and a performing arts center for theatre, choir, band and orchestra.
In terms of education, it would feature numerous shared learning spaces, a fitness and wellness center, classrooms for fine arts, practical arts and sciences, as well as many more amenities.
"What I would say is this...Your kids have the chance to be in a new high school in three years," said Moore.
According to a presentation given by DLR Group, the architect and engineering company tasked with designing the new building, the school would be 237,698 square feet and would cost more than $150 million to build.