Few applications submitted for senior property tax relief

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. (News-Press NOW) -- Fewer people than expected are taking advantage of a new program allowing senior citizens to freeze future increases on their real estate property taxes than expected, but it is running without many issues.
The Senior Citizen Tax Credit Program, which opened on Monday, March 3, allows taxpayers over 62-years-old to apply for credits that cap future real property tax increases. Since Monday, about 200 applications have been filled out.
“We were actually expecting a little bit more going into the beginning of this week,” Chief Deputy Collector Maggie Wright said. “But you know, we have until the end of June.”
Buchanan County residents are asked to bring their driver's license, a copy of the deed to their home and proof of residency when they come to fill out an application.
“We can put together a lot of the other things that are missing,” Wright said. “So I think it's been pretty easy so far.”
It was a simple process for Buchanan County resident David Gach, who was encouraged to fill out an application by Collector’s Office workers.
“(It was) really easy,” he said. “The ladies were really friendly, and it was easy to do.”
Gach visited the courthouse on other business, but applying for the credit was on his to-do list in the future.
“I didn’t plan on doing it today, but I’m here today so I’m glad I’ve done it,” he said.
Wright said there have been applications that require some research on the county’s end, but the process is straightforward. Applications will be accepted through June 30, 2025.
“I think we’ve been doing okay,” she said. “Have grace with us. It’s a new process that everybody’s trying to figure out.”
Information about the Senior Property Tax relief applications can be found under the Collector’s Office section of the Buchanan County website at https://www.co.buchanan.mo.us/senior-real-estate-property-tax-relief-program-frequently-asked-questions-and-definitions.