Vital statistics for March 28

Marriage applications
Jakob Ryan Palmer, 23, St. Joseph, and Megan Emily Behee, 24, Independence, Missouri.
Quentin William Lenz, 25, and Audra Rae Huff, 26, both of St. Joseph.
Kaleb Ronald Trautman, 23, and Dylores Alondra Rivera Santana, 25, both of St. Joseph.
Alejandro Alberto Prado, 32, St. Joseph, and Daniela Elana Zamudio, 30, Blue Springs, Missouri.
Valentin Luna Martinez, 32, and Guadalupe Villar Lara, 38, both of Kansas City, Missouri.
Universo Recio Alvarez, 54, and Alegna Cabrera Reyes, 48, both of St. Joseph.
Alexis Perez Torres, 51, and Liliana Silvestry, 64, both of St. Joseph.
Dixitkumar Suresh Patel, 26, and Helly Achal Patel, 23, both of St. Joseph.
Parker John Colescott, 37, and Caitlin Joan Colescott, 34, both of St. Joseph.