St. Joseph shoppers support local business over the holidays

By Chris Fortune
Shoppers are bargain hunting after Thanksgiving with a plan to support local on Small Business Saturday.
Shopping at large retailers and seeking large markdowns on popular items can be tempting on Black Friday. It’s become a tradition for many retailers to start deals before the holiday and extend them into the weekend, but some shoppers seek a more intimate experience and have a desire to keep more of their money local.
“Small businesses are the lifeblood of America, it’s the American dream,” St. Joe Boot Company shopper Tim Cece said. “And to keep that money in the community, it’s just that much more important. I like knowing that my $50 is going toward paying somebody’s college fund as opposed to fluffing somebody’s books or increasing stockholder value.”
Shopping local adds a personal touch for Cece and while he isn’t sure what he wants for Christmas, it probably won’t be from a big-box store.
“I want to make sure that whatever is bought for me, the person who is giving it to me can tell me the story behind it,” he said. “Like where was it made? Who made it?”
St. Joe Boot Company owner Craig Boyer said his shop offers a personal experience by trying to help everyone that comes in.
“We try to make sure everything fits like it’s supposed to,” he said. “If someone comes in not for sure what size they wear in boots, we’ll fit them, go the extra mile.”
Boyer said spending money at a small business can help the local economy and it’s a practice he applies often.
“I try to get as much local as I can,” he said. “It just keeps the whole community going.”
Supporting local and family-owned businesses is also important for Hunterland Antique Mall shopper Greg Madden. It has become a routine for him to travel from his home in Kansas City to shop at small businesses in St. Joseph during the holidays.
“I just believe in supporting the people who you know directly impact their families during the holidays,” Madden said. “When you walk in, people genuinely care, they have a smile on their face, you know that you’re welcomed.”
Madden said it’s a special feeling walking around Downtown St. Joseph and seeing holiday decorations displayed in windows.
“There seems like there’s a lot more pedestrian traffic and that hometown feel where everyone’s not a stranger when you come,” he said.
You can support local businesses by participating in Small Business Saturday. Some Downtown St. Joseph business deals are listed at
Shop St. Joseph also began earlier in November and details about the Shop St. Joseph program, as well as a list of participating businesses can be found at