St. Joseph Port receiving renovations

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. (News-Press NOW) — Improvements are underway on the Missouri River at the St. Joseph Port.
After receiving $2 million in state funding, the Port Authority was able to start renovations last week.
The project will install a sheet metal wall south of the existing dock. The groundwork for the project started back in 2020 when the first wind turbine barges were brought to the port.
The current dock didn't have the weight capacity to handle the barges along with the cranes, which created the need for a metal wall alongside the riverbank.
"We won't have to bring in heavy-duty cranes like we've done in the past to reach over into the river," Brad Lau, vice president of economic development for the Chamber of Commerce, said. "Currently the way the bank slopes are down there, the barges are further out into the water. When you heavy items, you need those types of cranes to load barges because of their extension and reach,"
The new wall will alleviate the weight capacity issues and not require more extensive cranes to be outsourced.