New White House faith office draws mixed reviews

The new version of the White House Office of Faith created by President Donald Trump is getting mixed reviews locally, even from more conservative pastors.
Although versions of the Office of Faith have been around since 2001 under George W.Bush, the executive order by President Donald Trump for creating an Office of Faith is stirring controversy for its emphasis on addressing "anti-Christian bias", and for its sometimes controversial new director. Scott Jensen, pastor Patee Park Baptist Church said he agrees with the emphasis, but has concerns about its overall effectiveness.
"I like they have actually named what is happening: antisemitism and anti-Christian bias," Jensen said. "However, I think Christians should expect bias and even persecution, since Jesus promised it would come."
Jensen added that the document rightly spells out protection for all religious groups, but thinks that antisemitism and even forms of anti-Christian bias are real issues that need to be addressed.
"Maybe by addressing these, we as a people can be honest about these concerns," Jensen said. "However, I still think we can't legislate protection for Christians. . . .Only the Lord can save us and protect us."
The naming of sometimes controversial televangelist and mega-church pastor Paula White-Cain as senior adviser of the Office of Faith has also stirred some concern. Several church leaders who chose not to go on record due to the political nature of the topic did mention that their agreement in principle with the office and were accompanied by concern about White-Cain's past controversies involving her past relationships, her lavish lifestyle and her emphasis upon what is known as the "Prosperity Gospel."
Local pastor of Wesley United Methodist Church and theologian Wil Purinton addressed his concerns with White-Cain in an email.
"I am deeply concerned with the tenets of the prosperity gospel that has broken away from traditional Christian views of human suffering, poverty and salvation," Purinton wrote. He added that despite the stated intentions of the overall document and the office, White-Cain has already proven to be a divisive figure.
Purinton also noted that in his extensive travels teaching overseas, what many American Evangelicals call persecution would hardly register. Doug Walter, pastor of Ashland United Methodist Church echoes that sentiment.
"I have traveled the world, and I've seen what Christian discrimination looks like," Walter said. "And...I've never really experienced it here."
Walter said that although he agrees with the order's emphasis upon eliminating antisemitism, he feels the language about anti-Christian persecution may stem from desire among some Christians for complete uniformity about matters of faith.
"If we're looking for some kind of uniform understanding of what Christianity means," Walter said, "then we've got another discussion to have."
He added that his fear is that the document's attempt to appease Christians by emphasizing them and suggesting that they are persecuted may be a political appeal in the guise of a theological or religious concern.
"It feels like a party line slogan to me: an attempt to get support for things that Christians don't support," Walter said. "That's not the Gospel, and I struggle with that approach."
The full executive order mirrors many aspects of other versions of the office created by both Republican and Democratic presidents over the past 25 years. For many pastors, whether or not the office ultimately serves the ministry of the church in America or simply becomes a symbolic political gesture will be up to those whose faith the office says it seeks to protect.
For the full executive order creating the White House Office of Faith, go to