YMCA starts public campaign for the aquatic facility

Sitting roughly two million dollars short of an estimated $15 million goal, the YMCA can now officially begin their public campaign with the start of the new year.
CEO of the St, Joseph YMCA Tammy Killin said the excitement and momentum is starting.
“We have just kicked off our campaign and as we speak we are seeing donations come in,” Killin said. “Mainly right now from members, corporate sponsors who say they want to come aboard. I had a thousand pledge this morning trying to get ready for the day.”
The $13 million comes from numerous sources with 40% coming from outside government funds, Killin said they can now apply for a grant they have been looking into. The Mabee foundation grant is over $1 million dollars.
“Those will really help, I think that’s a very viable source for us,” Killin said. “To be able to make this aquatic center happen with the funding we need.”
Inside the potential facility would be two bodies of water.
One, a 50 meter pool which excited competitive swimmer and now head coach of the Savannah Summer Recreation Swim Team Jenny Denney.
“I really want to push for that competitive swimming not only for the youth but also for the families in the area,” Denney said. “Just with the push for swim team that goes down and trickles into swim lessons which we are really lacking a lot in this area.”
Killin hopes once facility gets going they will have teams in other school districts and other schools going to the facility.
The other body of water would be a warm pool for water therapy, water safety and a spot for kids to play in.
“If there’s somebody that has an injury or just needs more, swimming is an amazing exercise,” Denney said. “They also have adult swim teams, stuff like that and even just recreation.”
Denney said the facility would be staffed by YMCA workers and they would provide all the training for lifeguard training, certifications and water safety.
“We just want to inform the public of what we are doing, what the plans are and how this community collaboration can come together,” Killin said. “We welcome any questions and feedback.”
The deadline to reach the goal is the end of April.