Bids PA2025-14 – 19
(Published in the St. Joseph News-Press Fri. 03/28/25) Sealed bids will be accepted by the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Joseph, Missouri for Rock, Chat & Rolled Stone Bid #PA2025-14 Sewer Castings Bid #PA2025-15 Sodium Chloride for Roadway Bid #PA2025-16 Temporary Employees Bid #PA2025-17 Type 1 Barricades Bid #PA2025-18 Type 3 Barricades Bid #PA2025-1 until April 23, 2025, at 3:00 P.M. at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud Copies of specifications may be obtained at the Purchasing Division, 1100 Frederick Avenue, Room 201, St. Joseph, Missouri, by calling 816-271-5330 or download from the City Website at under Government/Bids & RFPs. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The City of St. Joseph is an Equal Opportunity Employer. (s) Summer Deatherage Purchasing Agent