Addiction can leave lasting impacts on loved ones, too

By Kyle Schmidt
Drugs are a prevalent issue in St. Joseph, and while attention is generally on those who are struggling with addiction, drug use affects more than just them — it can also change the lives of friends and family.
What goes on behind closed doors when living with addicts is something that can only be truly understood from experience. Capt. Shawn Collie with the Buchanan County Drug Strike Force knows this all too well.
“For me, I grew up in a drug family. I was kicked out by the time I was 16 on my own, later joined the Army,” Collie said. “You know, I lived on my own through high school. I had to work two jobs. My dad eventually killed himself over drugs, you know, have nothing to do with my family at all.”
It was a struggle he dealt with on his own growing up.
“It was probably one of the harder things because you’re trying to keep that from your friends. You know, you don’t want your friends to know what’s going on in your home,” Collie said. “As a child, I had my grandparents who were really good people who took care of me, basically raised me, you know, But you still have parents who, you know, they try to keep you in their lives and they probably want to keep you in their lives. But the drugs become the main focus.”
It can be difficult to help someone who does not want to get better. That is why Robert Corder, a medical doctor with Samaritan Counseling Center, said community members should try to change their perspective on those battling addiction.
“I think more needs to be done about eliminating bias from drug addiction patients in general,” Corder said. “I think it’s tough when you have a long-term addict and people don’t believe in you.”
Although there are obstacles, change can happen. Corder said he has seen long-term addicts turn their lives around and get better.
For the families of those struggling with addiction, Corder suggests counseling.
“I think they certainly can get counseling about it and we certainly would like to see the family members, help their other family members if possible,” Corder said. “I don’t know there’s a magic thing out there that will change their mind, but certainly they should think of their loved one that’s on drugs as being, as having an illness, but not as being a horrible person.”
Fentanyl, methylphenidate and opioids are common drugs used in St. Joseph. Collie said drugs often start on the coasts and then move inward.
“What they start seeing East Coast or West Coast, eventually it ends up here. So we try to keep contact with those people. As I was saying, that’s really big here,” Collie said. “We really try to stay up and work a lot with East Coast and West Coast because that’s where everything starts, you know, on the borders we work, we have good connects with Miami police, Broward County sheriff and down in Florida and then New York State Place, New York City police, a couple of Philly cops that we know and work with. … L.A., San Francisco, and try to coordinate with them on what they’re seeing and hearing.”
Although overcoming addiction can be daunting — whether you’re the one struggling or a loved one — Collie said it’s important to not lose hope.
“I guess the big thing is, don’t give up and don’t give in,” Collie said. “Don’t think that’s the life you have to lead.”