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Special Reports

St. Joseph goes ‘Hollywood’

By Kirsten Stokes Missouri film credits are helping put St. Joseph in the spotlight with a second movie shooting in town this year. Long known for its history, the city is attracting attention from Hollywood as the holiday movie “A Chrismystery” films here this month. Its producers also were involved in another movie, “25 Miles

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Colleges shift admissions focus from ACT to GPA

By Jazmine Knight For years, ACT scores were a key piece to college admissions. But now, schools are putting more emphasis on other factors like GPA as opposed to one test. Amid the COVID pandemic, many colleges and universities made the switch to test-optional models to accommodate the cancellations at ACT testing sites. Megan McCamy,

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‘In her shoes’: The story of a domestic violence survivor and what to look out for

By Leah Rainwater No matter who you are or where you’ve come from, you or someone you love has probably heard, seen or even experienced domestic violence. The Young Women’s Christian Association reports, one in four women and one in seven men experience domestic violence in their lifetime.  Defining domestic violence  Corina Merritt, the survivor outreach specialist

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