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Thefts and Vandalism for March 28

Thefts reported from March 13 to March 25 3002 S. 36th St. Pl., items stolen at residence/home. 5804 Corporate Dr., burglary at commercial/office building. 6210 King Hill Ave., items stolen at bar/nightclub. 2010 Edmond St., items stolen at highway/road/alley. 603 N. Belt Highway, items stolen at grocery/super market. 1126 Henry St., items stolen at residence/home. 3302

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Vital statistics for March 28

Marriage applications Jakob Ryan Palmer, 23, St. Joseph, and Megan Emily Behee, 24, Independence, Missouri. Quentin William Lenz, 25, and Audra Rae Huff, 26, both of St. Joseph. Kaleb Ronald Trautman, 23, and Dylores Alondra Rivera Santana, 25, both of St. Joseph. Alejandro Alberto Prado, 32, St. Joseph, and Daniela Elana Zamudio, 30, Blue Springs,

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Arrests for March 28

Arrests reported March 19 to March 25 Sean J. Evans, 33, 616 S. 22nd St., warrant for failure to appear in court. Amanda Chevelle Mix, 27, no address provided, warrant for failure to appear in court. Katie Revae Davis, 27, 1104 Northwood Dr., warrant for failure to appear in court. Justin Lane Bailey, 35, 833 S.

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Deeds of trust for March 28

Deeds of trust reported from March 24 to March 26 Bethany Gregson to Primelending, Oak Hill LT 11 Blk 2 $103,098. Jeremy Hanshaw, Jennifer Hanshaw to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., 30 55 36 PT NE Quarter $216,669. Margo Lisenbee to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., Gladstone Heights LTS 5 6 PT LT 7 Blk

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