Benton High School Class of 1965 Reunion
If you are a graduate of Benton High School, Class of 1965, please contact us on our Facebook (Benton High School, Saint Joseph, Mo. Class of 1965) for update of 60th class reunion.
Continue ReadingIf you are a graduate of Benton High School, Class of 1965, please contact us on our Facebook (Benton High School, Saint Joseph, Mo. Class of 1965) for update of 60th class reunion.
Continue ReadingIf you are a graduate of Benton High School, Class of 1965, please contact us on our Facebook (Benton High School, Saint Joseph, Mo. Class of 1965) for update of 60th class reunion.
Continue ReadingThe Benton High School class of 1964 reunion took place on Sept. 7, 2024, at the Hoof ‘n Horn restaurant, in St. Joseph. Those in attendance for the 60th reunion were: Seated: George Kobezj, Ila Landers, Bob Fleckal, Joan Burnside Fleckal, Marty Parrish Mears, Charlie Mears, Mary Wells, Karen Reece Swan, Mary DeWeese, Russel McCamy,
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Continue ReadingThe Annual Northwest Missouri Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center Retirement Luncheon will be held on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Joyce Raye Patterson Center, located at 100 S. 10th St., St. Joseph. Please bring a side dish. Coffee, tea, and luncheonware will be provided. Please come and share your past
Continue ReadingThe Northeast Kansas Eagles Softball team has selected their roster to represent their team this year that consists of girls from Atchison, Brown, and Doniphan County Kansas. Congratulations to Emmah Gilmore, Olivia Hansen, Khloe Wissler, Emily Gaddis, Juliet Pankau, Elliot Lorenz, Rohen Otte, Anna Hunt, Lillian Gilmore, Sophia Martin, and Mia Martin. These players tried
Continue ReadingFreeman Chapel Baptist Church, 2600 SE 144th Rd. Stewartsville, Missouri, is hosting a Fish Fry and Gospel Concert on Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. Bring side dish to share. Concert will feature Lori King and Junction 63 at 7 p.m. Free will offering will be taken for the performers. If you have any
Continue ReadingElliot Roman Burleson is the newest member of this five generation family. The grandmas all traveled to Jacksonville, North Carolina, to capture this wonderful event in our family. Seated with Elliot is great-great-grandmother, Shirley Portman Helsel. Standing left to right is great-grandmother, Cindy Portman, grandmother, Kami Jones, and mother, Arianna Fish. Welcome to our World,
Continue ReadingHenry Davis, Class of 2024, graduated from the Accasius Page School of Electric Learning, a local homeschool. Henry was the valedictorian of his class, in addition he also received the history award, the good citizens award and principals honor roll. Henry was also a two year program student at Hillyard Technical School, in the electronics
Continue ReadingThe Meng Family Reunion for the decendents of John George Meng, 1824-1874, and Andrew Meng, 1842-1918, will be held at noon on Sunday, July 21, 2024. New Location: Christ Lutheran Church, on highway 36 in Wathena, Kansas. It will be a Potluck dinner. Drink and table service will be furnished. Please bring your favorite potluck
Continue ReadingMartha Canchola, 84, became the great-great-grandmother of Jaxtyn Allen Monroe on May 10, 2024, making this family a Five Generation family! Jaxtyn’s parents are Mikayla Canchola-Monroe and Steven Monroe, both of St Joseph.
Continue ReadingHappy Birthday to James (Mac) McClintic, who turns 90 on Dec. 21, 2023. Charles and Pauline McClintic of Monroe City, Missouri welcomed James into their lives at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Hannibal, Missouri on Dec. 21, 1933. Jim is retired from Crouch Bros. and MNX. Birthday wishes were sung to him on Dec. 10 at
Continue ReadingSt. Joseph State Hospital (now Northwest Missouri Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center) annual reunion/potluck will be held on Monday, Oct. 2, 2023, at the Joyce Ray Patterson Senior Citizens’ Center, 100 South 10th St. from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with lunch at noon. Bring a dish and come enjoy good food and old friends. Table service,
Continue ReadingFree fish fry (chicken too), bring side dish. Concert to follow. Phil and Pam Morgan to present their AMEN TOUR featured on Opra, TBS, TBN, CBS and others. Where: Freeman Chapel, 2600 SE 144th Rd, Stewartsville, Missouri. Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023 Fish Fry at 5:30 p.m. Concert at 7:00 p.m. Call 816-344-8473 for more information.
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