It’s Your Call for Jan. 13

Fixed game
I just got through watching the Denver/Buffalo game and it’s not quite over yet, but everybody’s coming over and shaking the Buffalo's head coach’s hand and what have you and a ref comes over and shakes his hand. That sounds a little suspicious to me. I have thought these games were fixed for years. And that was a sign right there.
Hopefully better taken care of
I hope the people in California are taking better care of than the ones in North Carolina. They’re still people living in tents and stuff out there. That’s how great our government is. And FEMA, God only knows where that money went to.
What about them?
The wildfires are horrible in California. The government is sending reserves and money. And I said, what about the ones that of the hurricane that are still living in tents in cold weather? At least, California has heat. They’re not gonna freeze to death. The hurricane people in tents might still be cold. What about them?