It’s Your Call for Jan. 17

Is this California or Missouri?
Now I recently found out that St. Joe Transit got their idea to do our bus system, which is failing, from California. Evergy came up with this brand-new plan they got and everything from where? California. My question is, is this California?
Something needs to be done
When is the city going to do something about that stretch of 8th St. between Jules and Francis? I drive down that road every day, and the conditions just keep getting worse and worse and worse. There’s big cracks, potholes, in the road that are only getting bigger. Something needs to be done.
Shame on employers
Shame on the employers for threatening to fire their employees because they couldn’t get out in a record snowstorm. I have heard of two people who were threatened with losing their jobs when their alleys were unpassable. Have employers send out somebody for them or pay to get the alleys done.
It’s crazy
These Democrats that are questioning President Trump’s nominees are out of their minds, asking questions about if they’ll do what President Biden did while he was in office and making sure that they won’t do that; asking questions about things that they know that the Congress does themselves; and wanting to disallow Trump’s nominees because they are not perfect people. It’s crazy.