It’s Your Call for Jan. 21

Corby Pond upgrades
I see over Corby Pond’s gonna get a big fancy pavilion, new sidewalks, new bathrooms. That’s all great for the rich people in the North End, but the South End people, what did we get? A splash park out in the middle of the parking lot. Wow.
Thank you, gentlemen
I’d like to thank the two gentlemen that shovel the snow off the track at Central High School. It’s really appreciated for those that walk. It just makes it a lot safer, and we have somewhere nice to walk. Thank you.
God help us all
Roosevelt said, “This is a day of infamy.” That’s what I thought when Trump got up there and spoke. God help this world.
Wonderful to see
It was wonderful to see the Village People at Trump’s rally. I think I’ve watched it seven times. And Trump was having a good time, too. He was bopping along and clapping and smiling. It was truly wonderful.
Just one thing to say
I only have one thing to say today: Thank God, and Greyhound, he’s gone. He screwed up the country for too long and I have no doubt Trump straighten it out. Thank God Joe Biden is gone.