It’s Your Call for Feb. 4

It’s a pain, just saying
I was just wondering if and when the King Hill Ave. bridge will be completed. I’ve called the city. They referred me to the section of the city that does the construction on that project and I was told once that it would been done in mid-December. However, if you drive by there’s nobody working on it. It’s a pain to get around. Just saying.
April Fools
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln have Presidents Day. Donald Trump has April Fools’ Day.
I don’t think so
Seems that the Democrats talk out of both sides of their mouth, the left and the right. The one thing you can be assured of is if they’re talking, they’re probably lying. They have stated time and time again, no one, including the President of the United States, is not above the law. Yet now that all these investigations are going on about the FBI and the people at the top that are going to be forced out, they’re hollering and screaming, “it may affect our cybersecurity.” So, does that mean that they’re above the law because they’re in charge of cybersecurity? I don’t think so. It’s time to get those people out of there and put some people in that can do the job honestly.
Stop the attack
Donald Trump is trying to destroy the FBI, one of the finest law enforcement organizations in the world. I hope our U.S. senators stop that attack.
Get a spine
So, Elon Musk is not a U.S. citizen. He’s naturalized. He was born in South Africa, but yet, he’s running the country? What is going on? He has bought the United States for Trump. He has no business deciding about our Social Security and Medicare payments and everything else. Come on, senators, get a spine. What are you so scared of Trump for?