HUD changes will affect local housing aid
A new HUD Secretary under President Donald Trump could mean less red tape for local housing agencies, but it could also lead to less funding.
Among the least controversial appointments of the Trump Administration has been the appointment of Scott Turner as the 19th Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Turner, a native Texan, entrepreneur, minister and former NFL player, spent years working in non-profit ministries and as director of the White House Opportunity Revitalization Council in the first Trump Administration.
Jeff Penland, executive director of the St. Joseph Housing Authority, said he is thankful for a collaborative community during these times of change.
"We have a community that collaborates very well together," Penland said. "We do a good job at coming up with solutions to a number of problems without duplicating ourselves."
This is particularly important given that there are still unknowns about the amount of federal funding that will be available in the next few years, he said.
"Even if those needed federal funds decrease or are delayed, there are partners throughout the community," Penland said. "That includes the city, county and businesses."
He said that HUD funding is particularly important when it comes to Section 8 housing, which allows agencies to work with local landlords to help provide affordable housing. The vouchers used assist in rent payment to landlords who meet HUD standards. With rents increasing, Penland said that the vouchers become even more important and that he hopes the consistent interactions between HUD and local agencies continues to be strong.
"Finding the right balance between what is available for vouchers and rent prices is key," Penland said. "This balance is what keeps landlords interested in working with the Housing Authority."
Penland said that the new administration has stated it will focus on deregulation, which, in moderation, could lower compliance and insurance costs for the Housing Authority in the long run, allowing it to help more people who need housing. However, concerns about future funding amounts and consistency still linger.
Non-profit organization Interserv is faced with similar challenges since some of what they provide in housing assistance comes from federal funds, according to Randy Sharp, director of operations.
"I think the new HUD Secretary's experience in housing and non-profits will help," Sharp said, "but things are still pretty unpredictable right now."
Sharp said he is grateful that there are local funds available that come from the State of Missouri.
"From there, we will have to see what HUD does nationally," Sharp said. "But no one's really feeling good or confident at this point. We just don't know."