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Month: January 2025

Thefts and Vandalism for Jan. 3

Thefts reported from Dec. 17 to Dec. 31 3700 Clark St., items stolen at park/playground. 822 S. Belt Highway, burglary at residence/home. 1805 Olive St., items stolen at residence/home. 615 S. 8th St., items stolen at other/unknown. 106 S. Belt Highway, items stolen at department/discount store. 1309 Sylvanie St., items stolen at residence/home. 6307 Carnegie

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It’s Your Call for Jan. 3

Think about it Well, I see they’re going to put sidewalks down in the South End for kids to walk home from school. That is great. But here’s a newsflash to our so-called competent city leaders. How about sidewalks by Pickett School before another child gets killed there? Think about it, council, mayor. A tragic

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Deeds of trust for Jan. 3

Deeds of trust reported from Dec. 26 to Dec. 31  Rosario Ingargiola, Teresa Ingargiola to Commerce Bank, Chatham Nickell Add LT 36 $60,000. Michael Heim, Lori Heim to Commerce Bank, 28 57 35 PT NW Quarter $30,000. Patrick Page, Tammy Page to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., Glynn Oaks Plat 4 LT 10 $251,997. Petronilla Sylvester, Justin Serrette to Fairway Independent Mortgage

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It’s Your Call for Jan. 1

Goodbye to two very different presidents As we say goodbye to 2024, we say goodbye to two presidents. No. 1, Jimmy Carter, who was brave enough to walk into Three Mile Island, which a lot of people don’t even remember. And No. 2, probably the worst president we ever saw who campaigning, wouldn’t get out

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